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A WEEK ON THE WILDSIDE | Wilderness Engagement

Our rafting trip down the Nam Wa river was an exhilarating experience and week full of action I will never forget. It was not only the truly stunning nature that surrounded us on the trip, it was also the friendships and skills I was able to develop which made the trip so unforgettable. I think that because of the environment we were in, it brought the whole group of students much closer together as we relied on each other to get from one end of the river to the next.

The whole trip consisted of a small group of Year 11 students who decided to take part in what was described as “the most physically challenging trip” out of all camp options. Looking back now, I think that because it was such an action filled trip it also brought people closer together as they had to step out of their comfort zone which consequently allowed them to learn new skills. I decided to capture what skills I learned and developed throughout this trip in the following video as my main form of reflection:

The main skill development which I expanded upon due to this trip was my organizational and collaborating skills with the group. Due to us being in mostly untouched nature, we had to cook our own food, set up our tent and manage ourselves without electricity. Although it was quite a challenge, we connected more over the course of the trip and in the end were very proud of what we had accomplished.

For me personally, what I thought the the most challenging aspects of this trip would be :

  • Effectively splitting up responsibilities in a group in order to get an outcome that would benefit all; weather that be intense rafting down the river (everyone working together or setting up shelter)

  • Cutting down on consumption, realising that I did not need so much to meet my needs on a daily basis as well as consuming products consciously to produce less waste

  • Stepping outside of my comfort zone by talking to new people which then lead to a great experience

  • Not using technology and instead finding interest in activities revolving in and around nature. This lead to myself feeling a lot more accomplished at the end of the day and less stressed.

After this trip, I have felt a much greater appreciation for nature, and am in awe of how much beauty lies within nature if you take some time to appreciate it. Being away from technology really allowed me to explore and become less reliant on everyday items such as a phone or computer. I would gladly go on such a trip again as it is not only a great way to bond with peers, it also allows you to find a balance between the business of everyday academic life but also enjoying a break surrounded by nature.


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